Did I mention the roads were slick? I didn't avoid the head-on, but I did end up at at the bottom of the embankment. My front, left wheel got shoved up into my compartment, both air bags deployed, My left foot and right leg hurt and I was a wee tad shocky. No neck pain, didn't hit my head, knew what day it was ...
Couple of guys stopped, called 911 and directed traffic. Cops here are cross-trained as first responders. They checked me out, called an ambulance and a wrecker, took the report ...
The other driver apparently had no injuries. Howsomever, they took me to the ER to check me out. X-rayed my foot and found two non-displaced fractures. Got a consult to see a podiatrist and a script for vicodin.

Then there's that part-time job at which I'm on my feet all day ...
Tomorrow I find out what all this means in a "No-Fault Insurance" State
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